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Deep learning software not yet covered
- adnn - Javascript neural networks
- Blocks - Theano framework for building and training neural networks
- CaffeOnSpark - Scalable deep learning package running Caffe on Spark and Hadoop clusters with peer-to-peer communication
- CNNLab - Deep learning framework using GPU and FPGA-based accelerators
- ConvNetJS - Javascript library for training deep learning models entirely in a web browser
- Cortex - Theano-based deep learning toolbox for neuroimaging
- cuDNN - Optimized deep learning computation primitives implemented in CUDA
- CURRENNT - CUDA-accelerated toolkit for deep Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) RNN architectures supporting large data sets not fitting into main memory.
- DeepCL - OpenCL library to train deep convolutional networks, with APIs for C++, Python and the command line
- DeepLearningKit - Open source deep learning framework for iOS, OS X and tvOS
- DeepLearnToolbox - Matlab/Octave toolbox for deep learning (deprecated)
- DeepX - Software accelerator for deep learning execution aimed towards mobile devices
- deepy - Extensible deep learning framework based on Theano
- DSSTNE (Deep Scalable Sparse Tensor Network Engine) - Amazon developed library for building deep learning models
- Faster RNNLM (HS/NCE) toolkit - An rnnlm implementation for training on huge datasets and very large vocabularies and usage in real-world ASR and MT problems
- GNU Gneural Network - GNU package which implements a programmable neural network
- IDLF - Intel® Deep Learning Framework; supports OpenCL (deprecated)
- Intel Math Kernel Library (Intel MKL), library of optimized math routines, including optimized deep learning computation primitives
- Keras - Deep Learning library for Theano and TensorFlow
- Lasagne - Lightweight library to build and train neural networks in Theano
- Leaf - "The Hacker's Machine Learning Engine"; supports OpenCL (official development suspended)
- LightNet - MATLAB-based environment for deep learning
- MatConvNet - CNNs for MATLAB
- MaTEx - Distributed TensorFlow with MPI by PNNL
- Mocha - Deep learning framework for Julia, inspired by Caffe
- neon - Nervana's Python based Deep Learning framework
- Neural Network Toolbox - MATLAB toolbox for neural network creation, training and simulation
- PaddlePaddle - "PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning", deep learning platform
- Purine - Bi-graph based deep learning framework
- Pylearn2 - Machine learning library mainly built on top of Theano
- scikit-neuralnetwork - Multi-layer perceptrons as a wrapper for Pylearn2
- sklearn-theano - Scikit-learn compatible tools using theano
- Tensor Builder - Lightweight extensible library for easy creation of deep neural networks using functions from "any Tensor-based library" (requires TensorFlow) through an API based on the Builder Pattern
- TensorGraph - Framework for building any models based on TensorFlow
- TF Learn (Scikit Flow) - Simplified interface for TensorFlow
- TF-Slim - High level library to define complex models in TensorFlow
- TFLearn - Deep learning library featuring a higher-level API for TensorFlow
- Theano-Lights - Deep learning research framework based on Theano
- tiny-dnn - Header only, dependency-free deep learning framework in C++11
- torchnet - Torch framework providing a set of abstractions aiming at encouraging code re-use as well as encouraging modular programming
- Veles - Distributed machine learning platform by Samsung
Scikit Learn Neural Network Video
Related software
- Deep Visualization Toolbox - Software tool for "probing" DNNs by feeding them image data and watching the reaction of every neuron, and for visualizing what a specific neuron "wants to see the most"
- LSTMVis - A visual analysis tool for recurrent neural networks
- pastalog - Simple, realtime visualization of neural network training performance
Source of the article : Wikipedia